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Community Care Service Voucher

License to Operate an Employment Agency No.: 66033
We are one of the recognized services providers (REF. NO. RSP10701)

Community Care Service Voucher (CCSV) for the Elderly

CAH is one of the Recognised Service Providers under the Community Care Service Voucher (CCSV) scheme of the Social Welfare Department.
Voucher holders could spend the Vouchers to enjoy household care services offered by CAH.

Including: Local Domestic Helpers / Healthcare Assistant / Personal Care Workers / Health Workers / Nurses / Physical therapists / Occupational therapists to provide home care or home rehabilitation services.

What is Community Care Service Voucher (CCSV)?

The Social Welfare Department has launched the Third Phase of the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for
the Elderly in October 2020. The eligible elderly persons may use Community Care Service Voucher to choose community care services (CCS) that suit their individual needs to support their ageing in place under the ‘money-following-the-user’ mode. The Pilot Scheme covers 18 districts of the territory with a maximum number of 8 000 vouchers.


Eligible participants are the elderly persons who have been assessed and recommended for Community Care Services or Residential Care Services under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services, and are waitlisting for subsidised CCS and/or residential care services (RCS) on the Central Waiting List (CWL) for Subsidised Long Term Care (LTC) Services without any kind of RCS or subsidised CCS being received.

How to apply

The Social Welfare Department will send invitation letters direct to eligible elderly persons
on the Central Waiting List to invite them to join the Voucher Scheme. Eligible elderly persons could apply for Vouchers after receiving the invitation letters.

Service Scope and Delivery Mode

The scope of services under the Pilot Scheme is similar to the existing subsidised Day Care Centre for the Elderly and Enhanced Home and Community Care Services. The services are delivered in the following three modes:

- Centre-based service (full-time or part-time)
- Home-based service
- Centre-based and Home-based service (mixed mode)

Service scope includes rehabilitation exercise, nursing care and personal care, etc.

Voucher Values

Elderly persons may choose any voucher value in-between the ceiling and floor voucher values (both values inclusive)
to purchase service packages according to their needs (The ceiling and floor monthly voucher values for 2021-22 are $4,210 and $10,070 respectively). The voucher values will be adjusted annually mainly based on the Composite Consumer Price Index (CCPI).

Co-payment Arrangement

There are six categories of co-payment. Elderly persons are required to pay for the co-payment amount according to the rate of
5%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 25% or 40% of the service package value of voucher while the government will pay for the remaining amount of the service package value.
Under the “affordable users pay” principle, the less that the elderly person can afford, the more the Government subsidises.
Below are home care costs using CCSV Voucher holders:

Category I II III IV V VI
% 5% 8% 12% 16% 25% 40%
(Voucher Value)

Scope of Service:

Personal care (e.g. feeding, bathing, etc)
Rehabilitation exercise(e.g. physiotherapy,occupational therapy, etc)
Nursing care (e.g. blood pressure monitoring, wound management, etc)
Specialist Care (e.g. Cancer Care, Dementia Care, Stroke Care, Post-operative Care, etc)